Transformation / Mabadiliko

Where Computer Animation Arts at UCA & the MASK School for Creativity and Innovation in Kenya Collaborate

Event details

  • 11 March 2016 - 22 April 2016

    10:00-17:00 (GMT)

    Zandra Rhodes Gallery

By Churchill Ongere, 21, Kisumu. Animation by Emily Clarkson

For this project, a series of graduates from the BA in Computer Animaton Arts (Rochester) haven been invited to respond to the winning artworks of the MASK Prize, a creative competiition for schools and young people under the age of 25 in Kenya. Each animator has worked with one selected artwork and produced a short animation based on it. This initiative constitutes a unique creative exchange between young artists in Kenya and recently graduated animators in the UK. 

In order to allow communication between practitioners in the two countries, the following blog has been set up. This tool facilitates exchange between the original creators of the artworks and the animators working with them now, and it will also function as a record of the creative process behind each animation. Extracts of the on-going conversations will also be on view at the gallery.

To view the final animations, check here.  

Daydream by Samson Lazima, Jali Louis Tamlyn, 18, Nairobi. Animation by Ethan Shilling

The MASK Prize is a national creativity competition with prizes for schools and young people under the age of 25 in Kenya and the rest of Africa. Themed "Young People-The Creative Nation" it hopes to unite young people in their celebration of the value of art in a wider context of growth and change.  

Images: "Greener Pastures and the Colours of Youth" by Churchill Ongere. Animation by Emily Clarkson & "Daydream" by Samson Lazima and Jali Louis Tamlyn. Animation by Ethan Shilling


MASK show 1


MASK show 2


MASK show 3


MASK show 4