Portfolio Requirements

Your portfolio for our BA (Hons) Music & Sound Production degree should comprise up to five minutes of original composed music or sound work. 
Please include work you feel demonstrates your musical and sonic interests. It could include a video of a performance, the music to a short film, a piece of sound design, a score, graphic score, or lead sheet of original work. In other words, it should represent you, your interests, and your process. 
We recommend you load your portfolio to one of the following platforms: Vimeo, Soundcloud, YouTube or Dropbox/Box/GDrive links - either public or private. If private, please remember the password. You can bring material of any length; however, we can only guarantee that we will listen to five minutes in total. 

You'll be invited to share your work with the course team at an Applicant Day. Our Admissions Team will invite you to book your place at one of our Applicant Days after you have applied. 

Use of AI 

Your portfolio must contain your own work. We understand that some of your portfolio may include work created in part or whole by AI. You must acknowledge this by adding ‘AI generated’ to the relevant section(s), stating how you used AI to create images, and adding a link to the original image with the date it was created (where possible). 

Online Portfolios

If you are unable to attend an Applicant Day for this course, you will be asked to supply an online portfolio. 

The requirements for an online portfolio are the same as what we’d expect to see if you were to share the portfolio at an Applicant Day. 

To support your work and to help us understand you as a creator, we would also like for you to write a commentary about your portfolio, which talks about your ideas, thoughts, and motivations. This allows us to better review your portfolio without you present. 

The Admissions Team will email you instructions on how to upload an online portfolio. 

Further information

If you have any more questions about your portfolio please get in touch with our Admissions team:

If you have additional needs you haven’t yet told us about – whether it’s learning support or physical assistance – we can work with you and support you through the application process. Please contact relevant campus to discuss this with us:

Getting in touch early gives us plenty of time to discuss any reasonable adjustments you might need.