Wearable architecture transforms
vacant public spaces in Canterbury
Architecture students from the UCA's School of Architecture & Design in Canterbury embraced the unusual by creating pieces of wearable architecture from cardboard and inhabiting vacant spaces in and around Canterbury.
12 Dec 2022
Photo © Max Bonacorsi, Kitty Davison, Lilly Andrews
Senior lecturer Rob Nice said: “Students produced some great architectural structures. This project enabled them to embrace a new way of learning, explore the city, and understand what it might be like to operate as an architect in the public realm.”
While it might seem unusual to suggest you can wear architecture like you wear fashion, both disciplines celebrate the body and explore how bodies interact with spaces – the only difference is the materials used.
© Alniemi, Biancavilla, Bills
This blurred boundary between disciplines resulted in some extraordinary wearable constructions that might be considered part object, part collage, part furniture, part interior, part garment, and part architecture, and temporarily enhance public spaces in the city by breathing new life into areas that have either been neglected or deemed ordinary.
Student Kitty Davison said: “It was great to interact with our city and the built environment around Canterbury. Our design was inspired by the service entrance to the disused Debenhams in the centre of town and brought to life through its movements around Canterbury. We enjoyed watching people react to this ‘out of the ordinary’ addition to the high street.”
© Ruiz, Macua, Szejnik,Tolman
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