Knowledge Exchange Online Training

This programme will provide an overview of knowledge exchange for early career researchers. It will consider what knowledge exchange is and why it is important, how individuals can engage with the wider community, the relationship between knowledge exchange and impact, and practical actions individuals can take.

Event details

  • 19 April 2022 - 19 April 2022

    10:00-13:00 (GMT)


Research Office Logo Green

Learning objectives:

•understand what knowledge exchange is in the research context and why it is important

•identify key stakeholders and consider how to engage with them

•understand the impact of your research and create strategies to maximise this

•consider what this means for you and your research and the actions you can take as a result in your day-to-daywork

•consider how you can affect knowledge exchange in the wider institution culture and contribute to the knowledge exchange framework in the future

Through a series of hands-on activities, participants will identify how they can start to create a culture of knowledge exchange in their institution and consider how they can cascade this more widely. They will have the opportunity to practise communicating their research to stakeholdersand commit to future practical actions that will affect form a baseline for the institution to build on in this area.

Please note you must have joined Part 1 of the session (12th April) in order to take part. 

To book onto this event, go to P&C: Self-Service<Learning<Career and Development<Learning Activities<Search course

Or email Oriane Winship.