Inside Out

Curated by Dr. Azadeh Fatehrad.

Event details

  • 7 September 2018 - 1 October 2018

    10:00-17:00 (GMT)

    Herbert Read Gallery, UCA Canterbury

Inside Out gallery exhibition


(Private View) 6 September 2018, 5.30-7.30pm
(Public) 7 September - 1 October 2018
Location: Herbert Read Gallery, UCA Canterbury

Matan Ashkenazy
Marcos Bertucelli

‘Inside Out’ brings into dialogue contemporary works reflecting on Gaston Bachelard’s Dialectic of Division, inquiring into collective notions of identity, individuality and social space. The exhibition is organised around two thematics: ‘intimacy’ and ‘distance’, which, although separate, complement one another. Intimacy focuses on the ephemerality of individual space through moving image, while distance expresses a social space as a political space that is substantive and visible through photographs.

‘Inside Out’ presents multidisciplinary artworks by Matan Ashkenazy and Marcos Bertucelli in different formats from artist books to multimedia installations. More particularly, the selection includes ‘Bases’ and ‘A Cloud of Dust’ by Matan Ashkenazy and ‘Faro’, ‘Three Bones to Tame a Wolf’ and ‘Elysium’ by Marcos Bertucelli. The selected artists have exhibited their work in international galleries and museums around the world, such as Daniel Blau Gallery (2014), Photo London (2018), Modern Art Oxford (2017), Centro Cultural Recoleta (2015), the Embassy of Argentina in Berlin (2012), This Is Not A Gallery (2011), Chez Vautier (2010), Braga Mene?ndez Arte Contempora?neo (2006), Museo de Arte Latinoamericano de Buenos Aires (2004) and Centro Cultural Borges (2003).

Artist Biographies:

Marcos Bertucelli is an Argentinean-Italian visual artist (b.1975) currently residing in Oxford, UK. Bertucelli works in drawings, photographs, videos, sculptures, installations and texts. He graduated as valedictorian from Escuela Nacional de Bellas Artes Pueyrredo?n (BFA) in Buenos Aires, specialising in Painting and Teaching (1998). The artist also studied Japanese Calligraphy at The Naganuma School in Tokyo (1999), Printmaking at Atelier Contrepoint in Paris (2000), Art History at Escuela de Bellas Artes de Barcelona in Barcelona (2002-2003) and Stockholm (2003-2004), and Fine Art at Ruskin School of Drawing and Fine Art (MFA) in Oxford (2018), where he was recipient of the Erna Plachte Award and Course Student Representative. Bertucelli worked as a Main Studio Assistant to Hauser & Wirth artist Guillermo Kuitca (2013-2016). He has taught Visual Arts and Art History in primary and secondary schools, as well as at university level and for projects outside the education industry (2000-today). The artist’s work has been exhibited in the likes of Modern Art Oxford (2017), Centro Cultural Recoleta (2015), the Embassy of Argentina in Berlin (2012). This Is Not A Gallery (2011), Chez Vautier (2010), Braga Mene?ndez Arte Contempora?neo (2006), Museo de Arte Latinoamericano de Buenos Ares (2004) and Centro Cultural Borges (2003).

Matan Ashkenazy is a London based artist working with photography and photographic installations. His practice applies within formal limitations of photography that examine relationships between time, space, politics, landscape and architecture. The ideas in his work resonate notions of disappearance, erasure and consciousness. His work has been exhibited at Photo London with NContemporary gallery (Milan), Daniel Blau gallery, London, Ramat Gan Museum of Art, Israel, Tel-Hai Museum of photography, Israel. While developing his practice Matan worked as an artist assistant for artist Jeff Wall and artist Nick Waplington. Matan completed his M.A Photography from the Royal College of Art, London (2015) and BFA from Bezalel Academy of Art and Design in Jerusalem (2011). Previous awards and scholarships include the Windle Trust Award; the Excellence in Photography Award, America-Israel Cultural Foundation, Tel-Aviv; the Marc Rich Foundation Scholarship, Lucerne, Switzerland; the Villiers David Scholarship, Royal College of Art, London; the Mendel Foundation Award, Bezalel Academy of Art and Design, Israel; Fine Art Degree Show Acquisition Award, Royal College of Art, London; The Fine Art Bursary, Royal College of Art, London. His work can be found in public and private collections in the U.K. and abroad.

Image: Bases [Housing], South Israel C-type print 2012