Farnham Town Council
Public Art Project
Farnham Town Council, in collaboration with the University for the Creative Arts, Farnham Maltings and the Farnham Public Art Trust are calling for proposals from artists to develop and produce a public art installation.
Event details
25 March 2022 - 23 April 2022
10:00-17:00 (GMT)
The Commission
The commission invites proposals for permanent work, or works, to be situated on the riverside walk off Longbridge, a pedestrian route freely accessible to the public. The context document includes a site plan.
Aims and objectives
The commission is aimed at creating an opportunity for people to connect and engage with the immediate environment of the work and potentially with other people. Proposals should seek to activate and animate the space through consideration of movement (kinetics) and the material qualities and performative nature of the proposed work or interaction with it. Proposals could take their cue from a broad range of researched contexts, whether the nearby water of the river Wey or the craft context of the town as a whole. There is scope for the artist to explore and respond to all or any of the above aspirations when developing ideas for the commission. Previous public art commissions in Farnham have focused heavily on literal representations of the craft context of the town, but for this commission we’d be keen to welcome proposals that consider more abstract and interactive reflections on material, craft and people.
Role of the Artist
If successfully selected, the artist is expected to collaborate with Farnham Town Council to ensure the successful implementation of the public art.
Artist scope of work
The artist’s scope of work includes providing for all labour, supplies, materials and equipment as necessary for the design, execution, fabrication, transportation and installation of the artwork(s).
A variety of mediums will be considered, however it is important to appreciate that the works will be located outdoors in a public area and therefore should be constructed of a resilient, durable and low maintenance material.
Specifications and Installation
The artist is expected to provide, as required, drawings and specifications for materials, fixings, measurements, installation techniques, and schedules, and all other information necessary for the installation.
The artist is expected to work closely with Farnham Town Council so that groundwork and landscaping requirements are aligned with the overall timeline for the scheme. Permissions will be sought by the Council.
The total budget for the commission and installation, including all artists’ fees, is £19,500.
Selection process and criteria
There will be a selection process managed by Farnham Town Council with the Project Group.
Submission requirements for Stage 1:
• Short written proposal, of no more than 2 sides of A4, describing the initial idea
• An indication of project costs
• Visual plans or sketches
• Artist’s CV with evidence of work and track record
• 3 Images of existing work (can be supplied electronically)
The Project Group will shortlist three artists, based on the Stage 1 proposals. The shortlisted artists will then be invited to take part in Stage 2.
Requirements for Stage 2:
Shortlisted artists will receive a fixed fee of £250 to enable the development of their proposal. This payment covers time spent on the proposal. Travel costs as a result of attending an interview to be agreed with shortlisted artists.
Submission requirements for Stage 2:
• Detailed project proposal, including an exposition of the concept, reference to materials, fabrication and installation, estimated lifespan and outline of maintenance requirements
• Budget breakdown
• Visuals of proposed artwork
• Maquette/Model of proposed work if appropriate
• Two relevant references
• Face to face presentation of the proposal to the Project Group
A site visit can be arranged prior to Stage 2 submission.
Criteria for selection
• Strong concept
• Experience of working in the public realm
• Meets the brief
• Realistic budget
• Technical viability and robustness
• Consideration to ongoing maintenance
• Deliverable in terms of execution and timescale
Deadline for Stage 1 submission: 24th April 2022
Shortlist for Stage 2 announced: 6th May 2022
Site visits: Site visits can be made independently
Interviews: 10th June 2022
Work to be completed and installed by: To be agreed with selected artist
How to Apply
See Submission requirements for Stage 1, submit proposals to:
Public Art Commission 2022, Farnham Town Council, South Street, Farnham GU9 7RN or email Jenny.deq@farnham.gov.uk (electronic file transfer made be required for larger files).
Contact: Jenny de Quervain via email or tel. 01252 712667