Making the call
at Clearing

So, you’ve not got the results you were hoping for, you’ve changed your mind on what you want to study, or you’ve just decided now is the time to go to university – however you approach Clearing there is one thing you’ll need to do. Make “the call”.

14 Aug 2024

Picking up the phone is a little bit old school, we admit, but it’s the best way we can talk with you in real time on results day and beyond about the options available to you. And get to know you too – we want to make sure that whatever course you’re considering is the right fit for you and that you’ll enjoy being a UCA student.

We understand that making “the call” can be nerve-wracking and even scary, but we’re here to reassure you about what will happen and how the process works.

Step one – get your paperwork sorted!
Before you call, the best thing is to be prepared. We’ll need certain information from you, so if you already have it to hand, then that makes the process quicker, easier and a lot less stressful. We’ll need:

  • The full names of your qualifications
  • Your results
  • Your UCAS ID (if you have one)​
  • A list of the UCA courses you’re interested in.

Step two – dial 01252 918240
You’re all set! Now all you have to do is call the number. Lines might be busy but keep trying and you’ll be connected to one of our friendly colleagues who will take you through the whole process. Often you’ll speak to a student ambassador – a current UCA student who helps us with big events like Clearing, or Open Days. They are experts in ‘life at UCA’, know lots about the courses, and can answer any questions you have. And with first-hand experience of the application process here at UCA, will be able to understand and support you.

Step three – it’s all about you!
Once we have all your details about your qualifications and the courses you’re interested in, we’ll go into a bit more detail about you. We’ll ask you if you have any relevant work experience and if you have any other information about you  that might support your application.

Step four – final questions
This is a good time to ask any other questions you might have for us – no question is trivial so don’t be shy and be sure to ask. Once you have all you need, your call is all done!

And then…?
After your call, we’ll have a look at everything you’ve told us and, if you meet all the entry requirements, you should get an update on the same day. We might need some additional information - once this information is received, you should get an update within two to three working days.

You might also get a call from a UCA academic who wants to chat with you about your portfolio. This is not a test – so don’t panic! It’s another chance for you to ask questions about the course and find out if it’s a good fit. It’s also a chance for us to discuss the course in more detail so you can be confident of making the right decision.​

If you don’t have a portfolio, again, don’t panic – you can find out how to make a quick-fire showstopper on our blog about putting together a portfolio quickly. We’d advise you to make a start now in advance of your call, if you can.  

If you have any more queries about Clearing at UCA, you can check out our dedicated page and visir our Tiktok for some fantastic videos about Clearing and life at UCA.