The 12 Games of Christmas:
UCA edition

Need a virtual alternative to boardgames this festive season? Or just more things to do at home when so many venues are closed? Our videogames experts have some recommendations…

21 December 2020

1. Kill it with Fire (£11.39 via Steam)

2. The Dark Chronicles: Little Hope, (£24.99 at

3. Townscaper (£4.79 via Steam)

4. Shooty Fruity (£15.99 via Steam, also available on the PlayStation store)

5. Super Liminal (£15.49 via Steam)

6. Like Roots in the Soil

7. Call of Duty: WarZone (free via official website)

8. Overcooked 2 (£17.99 buys this game and the original at

9. The Last of Us 2 (£29.99,

10. Warp Drive (£10.29 on Steam or on Apple Arcade)

11. Cyberpunk 2077 (£54.99 at

12. Fall Guys (£15.99 via Steam)