Senior Lecturer Industrial Design and Design Media

Dr. Paul D. Found is Senior Lecturer on our BSc Industrial Design course, and also leader of the digital media and communication units across the School of Architecture and Design.
A graduate of the University of Huddersfield (BA Transport Design, 2000 and MSc in 3D Digital Design 2004) and De Montfort University (MA Creative Technologies, 2009), he completed his Ph.D. through the Institute of Applied Arts, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University in Taiwan. His thesis title is Experimental Smartphone-Based Processes for Ceramic Vessel Design: Mediating Creation Through Monads and Black Boxes.
Paul is also a fully qualified teacher, holding a PGCE from the University of Huddersfield (2006), and has over 5 years of teaching experience in higher education in both the UK and Taiwan. He is also a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (2022).
Research statement
Paul’s research is focused on the use of mobile technologies, particularly smartphones, as an aid to form-finding, shape generation, and 3D sketching, using sensor data. The focus is on the use of embedded sensors and 3D printing to allow "anytime, anywhere" design to take place. Currently, he is exploring the application of this idea in the field of digitally fabricated, location-specific ceramics.
He has presented research at conferences such as IASDR 2015: INTERPLAY, Brisbane, Cumulus 2016 Nottingham: In This Place, IDCF 2020 International Conference on Digital Fabrication, Taiwan, and (IN)TANGIBLE HERITAGE(S): A Conference on Design, Culture and Technology – Past, Present, and Future, Canterbury, 2022. His research has also been published in the journals Leonardo and Iterations: Design Research & Practice Review.