UCA supports and champions our vibrant LGBTQ+ community of staff and students.

Our dedicated EDI team runs a series of social groups, some of which are to raise awareness of LGBTQ+ related events, like International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia. At these events, we create a safe space to have dialogue and share reading material from within the University range of library resources.

We want you to be an active participant in co-creating an ever more inclusive culture at UCA. To help support that we have a Pride Network that, among other things, discusses live topics of concern, plans events and advises on the inclusivity of policy. In the words of a Pride Network member:

“The Pride network has given us an opportunity to develop a much-needed community across campuses. It has shone a light on the wealth of LGBTQIA experiences and perspectives across UCA and allowed to us to work together to improve the LGBTQIA student and staff experience.

We have been able to connect with each other through activities like the book club and the craft day organised across departments, and students have been able to identify staff members who can be sources of support on their campus.

This is the first time there will be UCA representation at Pride Month parades, and it's something that many staff members and students had been keen to see happen - this feels like a big step forward in improving UCA’s presence in the wider community and showing our LGBTQ+ staff and students that they are supported by the institution.

I’m very excited to be involved in the Pride Month organisations and am looking forward to future projects with the UCA Pride Network”.

Equality & Diversity at UCA:

Ethnic diversity

UCA aims to be a global authority on the creative arts. To do so, we aim to match the ethnic diversity of our student body in the composition of our staff. It is vital that our students and staff see themselves represented here.


Accessible culture

UCA is committed to creating an environment that is physically, technologically, and attitudinally inclusive.


Preventing harassment

UCA is always exploring ways to adapt and improve their education and conduct around preventing harassment.