This page contains the regulations, policies and procedures, including the Academic Frameworks that underpin the governance and management of all courses offered by the University.
Enrolment on to a University course is conditional upon students agreeing to familiarise themselves and comply with all University regulations and policies as listed below. Policies marked with * form part of the student contract.
UCA Academic Regulations
To ensure that students are provided with a consistent and transparent academic experience we have set out the Academic Regulations and Grading Descriptors below that relate to each level of study:
- Common Credit Framework (CCF) 2023/24
- Please see sections 6.2-6.4 for the current UG/PG award calculations
- Regulations for Conferment of Awards (PDF)*
- Dissertation Policy (PDF)
- Dissertation Policy Appendix 1: Generic Dissertation Unit Descriptors - Reading List Policy
- Examination Regulations (PDF)*
- Policy for the Submission, Retention and Return of Student Work (PDF)*
- Policy on Recording and Reusing Teaching Sessions (PDF)*
- Regulations and Procedures for the Conferment of the Titles of Professor and Reader / Associate Professor (PDF)
- Regulations for Honorary Awards
Student Assessment and Study
- Assessment Policy (PDF)
- Assessment Feedback Policy (PDF)
- Assessment Cover Sheet
- Assessment Feedback Form (old curriculum)
- Assessment Feedback Form (new curriculum) - Interruption of Study Policy (PDF)*
- Personal Academic Tutoring Policy (PDF)
- Engagement & Attendance Policy*
- Withdrawal for non-attendance Appeal Form [EAF1] - Mitigating Circumstances Regulations (PDF)*
- Mitigating Circumstances Guidance and Form
- PPY/Placement Learning Agreement - Procedure for making adjustments to assessment tasks for students with a Disability/Specific Learning Difference (PDF)*
- Policy for the Submission, Retention and Return of Student Work (PDF)*
- Students Recording of Teaching Sessions Policy (PDF)*
Governance and Legal
- Data Protection Policy (PDF)*
- Student Data Privacy Policy and Collection Notice (PDF)
- Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy (PDF)*
- Freedom of Information Policy (PDF)*
- Freedom of Speech and Expression Code Of Practice (PDF)
- External Speaker Policy (PDF)*
- Whistleblowing (Public Interest Disclosure) Policy (PDF)
- UCA Records Retention Policy (PDF)
- Education Act 1994 Section 22 Code of Practice (PDF)
- Student Emergency Contact Policy (PDF)
- UCA Student Protection Plan (PDF)
- Student Route Sponsorship Policy (PDF)
Health, Safety and Support
- Student Health and Safety Induction (PDF)*
- Student Work Risk Assessment (Installation)
- Student Work Risk Assessment (Production)
- Student Pregnancy & Maternity Parental Leave Policy and Guidance (PDF)
- Student Pregnancy & Maternity Parental Leave Policy Appendix B: Pregnancy Risk Assessment (PDF)