As a creative university, we know our spaces for our students, graduates, staff and other creators need spaces to find creative inspiration and showcase their incredible work.
That's why you'll find galleries and exhibition spaces across our four campuses, and beyond.
Throughout the year, our galleries play host to our undergraduate and postgraduate Graduate Shows, exhibitions of work resulting from student projects, our annual technicians' showcase, displays of material from our archives, and exhibitions from visiting artists and artists-in-residence.
Discover more about our galleries, the current opportunities we have available within them, and how to stay up to date with the latest news and events.
Galleries at UCA
Upcoming exhibitions
Previous gallery events
Want to find out about previous gallery exhibitions and events at UCA?
There are many ways in which you can get involved in our exhibitions and gallery operations.
As part of the UCA Galleries programming, we organise Open Call exhibitions inviting anyone from the UCA community, and sometimes further afield, to get involved and showcase their work.
When available, Open Call opportunities will be posted below.
We’re also open to receiving exhibition proposals from UCA students, staff and alumni, as well as external artists. If you are interested in putting forward a proposal for consideration, please email:
Loucia Manopoulou (Gallery Curator, Surrey)
Bean (Gallery Curator, Kent)
Each year, the UCA Galleries offer short-term placements to students and graduates interested in gaining gallery-based work experience. Past placements have involved students assisting the gallery curators with marketing, graphic design, exhibition installation, self-led curatorial research and exhibition curation.
When available, placement opportunities will be posted here.
The UCA Surrey Galleries offer paid gallery assistant and technician roles on an ad hoc casual basis. The roles involve assisting with exhibition planning and installation, private views and other events.
If you are interested in a role with the UCA Surrey Galleries, in Farnham or in Epsom campus please contact: Loucia Manopoulou, Gallery Curator, Surrey)
Keep in touch
If you want to stay in the loop on what exhibitions we have coming up, you can follow us in two ways:
Privacy Notice: If you subscribe to our mailing lists, we will only use your information to keep you informed about the galleries' exhibitions and events. Your personal data will never be shared with third parties. If you decide to unsubscribe, you can do so by clicking this option at the end of any of our emails, or by contacting us directly at or
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